2/6 Cullen Ave, Jordan Springs NSW 2747
Poseidon Seas Group in collaboration with Maritime Training School offers professional training to safely operate a vessel and/or personal watercraft.
Obtain your NSW boat & personal watercraft licence in the Greater Western Sydney in 3 easy steps.
Both Boat and PWC courses can be completed on the same day.
*You must be 12 years or older to obtain your boat / PWC Licence.
– Attend classroom for theory and exam
– Take a practical log book to record your practical
Practical boating experience can be gained by completing the boat driving licence practical logbook. When first applying for a general boat driving licence, applicants must carry out in the company of an experienced skipper, a minimum of three trips in a powered vessel (excluding PWC) operating under power.
An experienced skipper is a person who holds a valid NSW general boat driving licence which has been valid for at least three years or holds a certificate of competency in force under the National System for Domestic Commercial Vessels regulated by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority. Licence holders under 18 years of age are not considered experienced skippers for this purpose.
The vessel used to carry out practical experience must carry the prescribed safety equipment and be fitted with appropriate lights if undertaking night time navigation.
Details of each trip must be recorded in the practical logbook and be verified by the experienced skipper. The applicant and the experienced skipper must also confirm that all elements relating to practical experience competencies as listed in the logbook have been covered by initialling each element across the three trips.
If you have difficulties in finding an experienced skipper Maritime Training School can help you complete your practical in 1 easy trip with no log book requirement. The session takes approximately 20 mins at Mosman 3rd Sea Scout hall at an agreed day and time.
See our FAQ page for further information.
Take your boat licence application form and completed Practical Log book to RMS or Service NSW who will process and provide you with your licence.
You must have a boat licence in order to obtain your PWC Licence. Both courses can be completed on the same day.
– Attend classroom for theory and exam. This course will be conducted immediately after the Boat Licence Course.
– Once you have your boat practical log book completed take both your Boat and PWC application to RMS or Service NSW to obtain both Licences
– If you already have a boat licence you can simply book for just a PWC upgrade
There is no practical requirement for this licence in NSW
Please contact Chris at
M: 0448 488 588
or book online via the bookings page link below
URL: https://app.squarespacescheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=2303834