“To the team at MTS (esp Peter and Paul – our trainers), Thank you for your assistance and help in obtaining our licence. The course was both professional and enjoyable.”
Dear Dijla
Please accept our support from College of Marine Studies (COMS) Maritime Trainers and Assessors INC. In reference to the training and development of Australian Indigenous and Torres Straights Islanders in the Maritime Industry in Australia.
Yumbalehla- where the spirit of the land meets the spirit of the sea.
This comes from language of the traditional landowners in the Byron Shire of NSW the Arakwal people in Bungulung Country.
The College of Marine Studies from day one, worked with the elders of the local Arakwal people, in doing so COMS formed a greater understanding of their culture and receiving full respect from the elders.
With one of COMS members, we established a Surfing programme over several months training the very young to teenage years the skills of how to surf, this was run with the sponsorship of Laureus World Sporting body.
Arranged by former World Champion Surfer Layne Beachley the programme was run by Layne Beachley’s coach Steve Foreman. The programme was very successful, but it needed out comes for the young to continue in the maritime sector, now is the time to springboard Australia’s Indigenous people of all ages to maritime opportunities that become available in Australia.
I believe with the collaboration of COMS MTA and Maritime Training School this could be achievable with great outcomes and set a benchmark in the Maritime Industry in Australia.
Phillip Walters (Chairperson)
Dear Ms Koutsouras,
Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council (Darkinjung) wishes to express appreciation for the training and development services that Maritime Training School (MTS) provides to Darkinjung’s maritime employees.
Darkinjung is constituted under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (NSW)(ALRA) which defines our structure, governance and functions. As detailed in the ALRA, Darkinjung’s objects are ‘to improve, protect and foster the best interests of all Aboriginal persons within the Council’s area and other persons who are members of the Council’. As a charitable statutory body corporate, Darkinjung operates for the benefit of approximately 17,000 Aboriginal people on the Central Coast of NSW.
Darkinjung’s statutory and cultural responsibilities extend beyond the management of our extensive landholdings. As custodians of ‘Country’, Aboriginal people understand this term to account for not only the land, but also the waterways, flora, and fauna. As part of the world’s oldest living culture, Aboriginal people share a unique bond to Country and an unwavering belief that if we care for Country, it will care for us.
I would like to personally thank you for the efficient, professional and culturally respectful way in which MTS has worked with Darkinjung to date. The quality of MTS’ client service and your approach to training and assessment should be commended.
Darkinjung is pleased to express our support for your funding application and we look forward to continuing to onboard and develop our maritime staff through MTS as we expand our water-based model of caring for Country.
Warm regards,
Blake Cansdale
Chief Operating Office
Silver Spirit Cruises Pty Ltd T/A Maritime Training School was contacted by Remote Training Services to explore the possibility of conducting a training course in Maritime Operations Certificate I Coxswain 2 in a very remote area in Far North QLD to a group of 9 council rangers to enable them to conduct turtle counts and monitor illegal fishing.
Dijla was polite and helpful in providing the required information on what course would be suitable and agreed to put a team together to contextualise a course that would meet the potential learning difficulties as well committing to flexible arrangements that includes ‘Sorry Business’ and shyness of the individuals.
The course was successfully completed within the time frame and the team were accepted by the group as friends. The course was run as a face-to-face group discussion format with little presentations and plenty of practicals. The group was engaged and satisfied with the outcomes.
Collaboration in the future will be possible as need arises.
Thank you for supporting my team and the Rangers of Kowanyama.
To whom it may concern,
I write in support of Maritime Training School’s application for assistance regarding the NSW Smart and Skilled Program.
Maritime Training School were introduced to Shoreline (Charity) via Nick Miles who was volunteering his time to be an instructor for Shoreline delivering NSW power boat courses to secondary Indigenous students engaged in the Shoreline program.
Shoreline nationally connects schools with training organisations and employers, to ensure that each of our Indigenous trainees obtains a vocational qualification while finishing school and moves straight into full time employment.
Meetings were organised between Nick, Maritime Training School and Shoreline to develop the school-based traineeship model in Sydney. Shoreline currently operate in QLD, NT and WA and were conducting immersion experiences on the water in Sydney for young Indigenous students to gauge the appetite and eventually engage students in school-based traineeships.
Those students that showed interest then had the option to complete their NSW power boat license with Nick. In the past Shoreline has used other RTOs to deliver the NSW power boat course but the instructors and rigidness of the course were not suited to the secondary students we were engaging.
I met Nick and he immediately struck me as personable guy that would connect well with the students and make them feel safe and comfortable whilst obtaining their license.
As discussion progressed Nick introduced Maritime Training School as the next step in the Shoreline model to explore the options to deliver deck hand courses and Cert II in Maritime Operations.
Maritime Training School appear to be well suited to needs of Shoreline and trainees:
• They have conducted a commercial training course with an Indigenous group in QLD
• Small RTO that is flexible and willing to work with students needs
• Family orientated and approachable
• Deliver consistent quality training through dedicated trainers such as Nick
The importance of collaboration as mentioned above are critical for future commercial qualifications
that give participants a head start in their career and connect them to sustainable employment opportunities. These are strong values of both organisations which reiterates the importance of alignment to deliver a quality, caring outcome for participants. We look forward to working together.
Yours sincerely
Jason Ryan | Managing Director
Letter of Recommendation from the Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council